Is it hard for you to stay on track in these speedy times brimming with non-stop demands and endless distractions?
I completely understand because I face the exact same challenge. That’s why I was delighted to discover the idea of “daily non-negotiable.” Setting daily non-negotiables gives me the momentum I need to stay focused and accomplish my highest priorities.
Author Charlotte Rains Dixon shows writers how to keep moving toward their goals in her article What Are Your Writing Non-Negotiables? However, non-negotiables can be created to enhance any aspect of your life: work, health, creativity, fitness, housecleaning, relaxation, relationships, and others.
Ask the Important Questions
To get started establishing your daily non-negotiables, choose an area of your life or your life as a whole and ask yourself these kinds of questions.
- What is really important to you in this aspect of your life?
- What will have the most impact in terms of accomplishing your goals, whatever area they may encompass?
- What will take you furthest toward creating the life you would like to have?
- What will bring you the most satisfaction and happiness?
- What will leave you without regrets at the end of the day?
Create a Short List of Your Daily Non-Negotiables
Then, based on your discoveries, create a short list of daily non-negotiables. Be realistic. Aim for three items or even less so you can keep apace with your most important priorities. If you need reminders, put them on a sticky and post them prominently in your well tread areas.
Once set, don't haggle with your non-negotiables. Just do them.
Keep your daily non-negotiables fresh. The point of non-negotiables is to gain momentum and constancy in specific areas of your life. It won’t help if you constantly change them. At the same time, they need to be relevant. So check your non-negotiables once a week or once a month to see if they need to be tweaked.
My Daily Non-Negotiables
At the moment, I have three daily non-negotiables covering different areas of my life.
- Meditation - I’ve been meditating daily for six years. As a result, I feel happier, calmer, and clearer. I’ve learned that regularity in meditation is the key to stability of mind and emotions.
- Self-Healing - I’m in the middle of 21 days of Reiki self-healing. Reiki is a relaxing hands-on healing art. My daily self-treatment takes about 20 minutes. It’s a chance to be present, aware, and tuned into my body while directing healing energy systematically from head to toe. Taking time to care for yourself everyday naturally raises your self-esteem and self-worth.
- Writing - This one has been challenging for me. On my busy days, I tend to dive into my paid work and leave my writing in the dust. Then, after spending a good chunk of my time online, the last thing I want to do is write on the computer. To obviate this, I’m experimenting with writing freehand everyday. I love pouring my thoughts and creativity onto paper, which then gestates into a proper article over the next few days.
These three daily non-negotiables keep me happy, health, and on track with my aspiration to make a living with words. I know it would behoove me to create non-negotiables for my blogging and writing life as well. That's next.
Being flexible and flowing with whatever arises in life is also important. It can be envigorating to shake it up and turn your routine on its head. But there's a danger of being too flexible and going with the wind. You might suddenly find that your most important priorities are no longer a part of your daily routine.
Setting daily non-negotiables is one of the best ways to stay on track and reap the rewards of accomplishing your heart’s desires. But you can also be mischievous and cheat from time to time!
What are your daily non-negotiables?
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