
Hi There!

Welcome to my island of sanity and serenity. I'm Sandra Pawula - writer, mindfulness teacher and advocate of ease. I help deep thinking, heart-centered people find greater ease — emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Curious? Read On!

The Power of One

Lists seem to be popular these days on personal development blogs like:  67 Personal Development Pitfalls to Avoid.  It's understandable that people like lists in this busy, fast-paced society.  A list gives information a shape—a sense of being organized, manageable, and accessible. The problem for me is that I often resonate with so many points on a list like this that I don't know where to start.  Or where to stop.

This stirred me to consider the power of one.

What would be the one change, the one action, the one commitment, or the one pitfall to avoid that would be the keystone for me?  The one that would leverage others as well. What's core for me?  What's just one focus I could carry with me for this entire week or even this entire month or year?

I had quite an 'ah-ha' moment with this contemplation as it went right to the heart of what I needed.

If you are busier at work than all get out, managing an active household, easily overwhelmed, or have the limited energy of chronic illness maybe just one is exactly what you too need, especially if it's the touchstone.

What would be the "one" you would choose?

Thank you for your presence, I know your time is precious!  Don’t forget to sign up for Wild Arisings, my twice-monthly letters from the heart filled with insights, inspiration, and ideas to help you connect with and live from your truest self. 

You might also like to check out my  Self-Care Shop. May you be happy, well, and safe – always.  With love, Sandra

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