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Welcome to my island of sanity and serenity. I'm Sandra Pawula - writer, mindfulness teacher and advocate of ease. I help deep thinking, heart-centered people find greater ease — emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Curious? Read On!

One Powerful Word: A Simple Approach to New Year's Resolutions


I love the simplicity of choosing a single word as a focus for the coming year. I believe in the power of one - one word, one goal, one focus - as an extraordinary catalyst for transformation.

But honestly, it can be one word or two.  It can be a whole phrase.   It can be for a whole year, six months, or until it's done.

There are no rules! This is your life.  You can play with this idea any way that you like.

So why not skip the exhaustive list of New Year Resolutions?  We all know they quickly fall by the wayside.  Instead inspire yourself with one powerful word!

Discovering Your Perfect Word

Is there is a single word or a phrase that captures what you would like to manifest in your self or in your life in 2011?

Your perfect word may immediately pop into your mind.  Or you might need to let the idea percolate for a while.  Then see what bubbles up.  There's no rush.  It's easier to see clearly once the chaos of the holidays have passed.

These questions may help you with the process of finding your perfect word:

  • Is there a quality you would like to grow in your life?

  • Is there a quality that you would like to diminish?  If so, what's the opposite?

  • What outcome would you like to see at the end of the year?

  • What activity is primary for the coming year?

  • What change would you like to see in yourself or in you life in the coming year?

  • Can you capsulate a goal for the year in one word?

  • What do you want your year to look like?

Your word might be eminently practical.  Or it might be creative.  It might be light-hearted.  Or it might be laser-focused.  It simply needs to be the perfect word for you.

A few sumptuous words to set the wheels in motion:

  • Serendipity

  • Tranquility

  • Movement

  • Light-hearted

  • Free-Spirit

  • A-list Blogger

  • Dynamic

  • Fearless

  • Aware

  • Awake

  • Dreamlike

  • Whimsical

  • Intuition

  • Receptivity

  • Health

  • Time

  • Space

  • Productivity

  • Clarity

  • Eco-Friendly

  • Minimalist

  • Active

  • Slender

  • Nourishment

  • Frugal

  • Moderation

  • Exercise

  • Flexibility

  • Safe

  • Mechanical

  • Fun

  • Garden

  • Yoga

Interesting phrases and proverbs

  • Wabi Sabi, Embrace the Imperfection

  • Nying je, a Tibetan word which means love, affection, kindness, compassion, gentleness, generosity of spirit, warm-heartedness, sympathy, and endearment altogether.

  • Bien dans sa peau, which is French for feeling well in your skin, well in yourself.

  • Kaizen, a Japanese word that means continuous improvement.

  • As easy as pie.

  • Rise and shine.

  • As happy as a clam.

  • This too shall pass.

Unleash the Power of Your Word

A single word can be immensely powerful if you invest in it.  Spend time with your word!  Embrace your word.  Recall it daily. Let it swim in the unconscious waters of your mind.  Meditate on it consciously too.  Let it be the focus you lightly return to again and again.  Let it be the measure of your thoughts and actions.  Your touchstone.  Your guidepost.

There's no need to obsess on your word.  Just have fun with it.

Here are some ways to bring your word alive:

  • Post your word in a visible place around your house.

  • Post your word on a desktop sticky.

  • Reflect on your word.  What does this word really mean to me?

  • Write a story or a poem about your word.

  • Draw a picture or paint a painting about your word.

  • Create a collage about your word.

  • Journal your process and insights as your word sparks evolution in your life.

  • Create affirmations with your word.

  • Blog about your word.

My Word for 2011

I haven't chosen a word for 2011 yet.  These are the contenders:

  • Full Throttle Healing - A commitment to deep healing.

  • Contentment - To be content with whatever appears in myself and my world as a way to bypass unnecessary suffering.

  • Comfort and ease - A fully body and being experience of contentment.

  • Confident Faith - I need more faith!  Faith brings ease in life and confidence at death.

I see that each one of these words could almost contain the others.  I don't know how I will decide!

Have you tried the one-word approach to New Year's Resolutions?  What word will you choose for 2011?

In Part 2: One Powerful Word 2011 - Mine and Yours, I reveal my word for 2011, offer more creative ideas, share links, and your perfect word too.

Thank you for your presence, I know your time is precious!  Don’t forget to sign up for Wild Arisings, my twice-monthly letters from the heart filled with insights, inspiration, and ideas to help you connect with and live from your truest self. 

You might also like to check out my  Self-Care Shop. May you be happy, well, and safe – always.  With love, Sandra

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